Date: 19-23 August 2019
Location: Brugg/Windisch, Switzerland
We are inviting contributions to this Summer School from students who are at the stage of preparing a master or a PhD thesis as well as young researchers and practitioners. The school is interactive in character, and is composed of plenary lectures and workshops based around Master/PhD students’ presentations. The principle is to encourage young academic and industry entrants to the privacy and identity management world to share their own ideas, build up a collegial relationship with others, gain experience in making presentations, and potentially publish a paper through the resulting book proceedings.
For more information see: https://www.ifip-summerschool.org
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
General Topics
• Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) & transparency-enhancing technologies (TETs)
• Privacy and identity management (services, technologies, infrastructures, usability aspects, legal and socio-economic aspects)
• Privacy and security in citizens’ digital communications, online platforms, e-mail and instant messaging
• Privacy protection and in particular confidentiality of communications by both traditional players/incumbents and OTTs
• Privacy-by-design, privacy-by-default, value-sensitive design, ethical-by-design, human-rights-by-design, data protection/privacy impact assessments, data protection on the ground
• Social accountability
• Privacy standards and seals
• Digital literacy and data (infrastructure) literacy
• Regulatory regimes and instruments
More specific topics
• Privacy attacks and data breaches: the challenges
• Privacy threats, privacy attacks against or using AI, AI and data breaches
• Adversarial learning and identity management
• AI for profiling and tracking technologies, online anonymity, surveillance, video surveillance
• AI’s impact on fundamental rights and legal principles
–protection of personal data,
— right to non-discrimination,
— rule of law,
— presumption of innocence,
— children’s rights, etc.
• AI and the fight against cybercrime
— AI, data retention and law enforcement
• Corporate and organisational views on AI and privacy and data protection measures
— Challenges facing large corporations, small- and medium-sized enterprises, micro-enterprises and entrepreneurs, and a wide range of categories of professions and occupations in relation to AI applications
— Challenges facing AI in healthcare, finance, heavy industry, or crime prevention and detection
— Public service AI, Public service algorithms, public interest technologies
• Designing societally compatible AI
— Effects of AI on discrimination, bias, social profiling, social exclusion, digital divides, communities, societies and cultures
— Public attitudes to and trust regarding the deployment of AI and the impact on security, privacy, and identity
— How people or organisations participate in shaping AI applications
— Codes of conduct; Ethical guidelines and charters for AI
Submit your extended abstract at: https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?conf=ifipsc2019