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Breaking Bad: Why Facebook’s Policies Are Turning Social Media Moderators To A Life Of Crime

Breaking Bad: Why Facebook’s Policies Are Turning Social Media Moderators To A Life Of Crime

Blog Post

Keywords: Facebook, Social Media, Law, Radicalisation A hard-to-read article on social media moderation, titled ‘The Trauma Floor’, has recently led me to do a lot of thinking on the unforeseen consequences of the tech industry. To summarise, the piece talks about the experiences of low-paid employees in a stressful work environment where they are forced

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How Privacy-Protective is Facebook’s new ‘Privacy-Focused Vision’?

Blog Post

Keywords: Privacy, surveillance capitalism, Facebook, social networks, encrypted services   On the 6th of March 2019, Mark Zuckerberg announced a brand new vision for his company and highlighted his position on the future of the internet. Suggesting a major change to his long-held philosophy of “making the world more open and connected,” Zuckerberg predicts that

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